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A Walk Down SPF Memory Lane: The Way it Was

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The year was 1977

If you’re an old-timer in SPF, enjoy the walk down memory lane. If you’re a new-comer, you’re about to get a small taste as to what it was like in the old SPF Days. In the beginning, there was no OSHA, no trade organizations, no safety gear, no formalized professional training, and many applicators started out using experimental equipment. When SPF was arriving on the commercial scene, existing equipment for spraying paints and other materials were quickly adapted to spray foam. Those attempts did not work well. The clean, streamline, high-tech spray guns and machines available today would have seemed like something out of Star Wars to the early SPF pioneers.

Priceless Knowledge

Back in the day, contractors had to rely on their own enginuity to figure things out. There wan’t much in the way of formalized training, so they had to be innovative, creative problem-solvers and find ingenuous ways to solve problems and make things work.

It was extremely hard work and only the very tough could endure. Early SPF pioneers were on the road a lot to keep working and feed their families. It wawsn’t uncommon to be away on projects for months at a time. Most began by doing projects in refrigeration, tanks, agricultural buildings and roofing. Wall foam insulation came later. Each new project was like visiting another planet with its own unique set of circumstances, conditions and problems. Every job was a learning experience, and the knowledge the early SPF pioneers accumulated over the years should be regarded as priceless to us now. With the SPF roofing trend coming back, we need to connect with the early SPF roofing pioneers and learn as much as we can from them.

Back in the Day

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Photo from the 1970’s

Most everyone in SPF today can easily point out the safety violations in these old photos; however, that is the way it was back in the day. Those who lived and worked during the early days understand what SPF applicators had available to them and what they didn’t have back then. They did the best they could with what they had and paved the way for all the things the industry enjoys today. Despite the challenges, they made it all work and got the job done. Next time you see old SPF photos, please remember that these early guys and gals just didn’t have all the modern SPF equipment and training that we take for granted today.

Early Equipment

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Notice the FF (L) near the truck/rig

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Early gravel vac truck

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Early spray rig

Early Projects

Most early SPF projects were roofs, tanks, agricultural buidlings and refridgeration.

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Early Project 1970’s

Some Old “Tools of the Trade”

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Binks spray gun

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C and D Guns, courtesy of Aaron Long

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Gusmer FF Early 1960’s

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GlasCraft Maxi

There are some people today who still use these old models.

In Memory of Leroy Lybrook Dedicated Workers, Like Leroy, are Rare

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Leroy dragging hose (R). He was also a sprayer and a valuable part of the team, 1970’s

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Leroy on a roof, 1970’s

During the late 1960’s through 2005, I had the privilege of working with Leroy Lybrook--one of the most dedicated individuals I have ever known. The amount of work he could do in a day seemed almost super human. I remember that Leroy had to be repeatedly reminded to take breaks. He would keep working until someone told him to stop. Leroy dedicated 45 years of his life to the SPF industry. For him, the industry offered much more than he could have achieved doing any other kind of work, and he was grateful for the opportunity. He would do any job he was asked to do. Rain or shine, hot or cold--in all the years I knew Leroy, I never heard a word of complaint out of him. He may have been a rare individual, but I suspect there may have been a few others like him. Leroy came from an underprivileged background and had never been anywhere outside of his home town until he began traveling to do SPF jobs. I remember when Leroy saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. “Look at that big river!” he said with astonishment. Despite his lack of worldly experience, I respected and admired this man for his unwavering dedication and can-do attitude. There’s no doubt SPF changed Leroy’s life and that of his family. Thanks to all the Leroys, back in the day, for their contribution to the industry.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this trip down SPF memory lane. If you remember the old SPF days, contact us at info@sprayfoaminsider.com

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