Winter is Coming: Train Your Team to do Energy Audits

As we move through the busy fall season, and past Thanksgiving into the New Year, our spray foam insulation trade slows will be occurring. We look for alternative ways to keep our employees busy driving revenue for the company. One way is to get in front of potential clients and sell air-sealing work.  Look at contacting building owners, school boards and districts, small shop owners and small manufacturing facility owners and offer a “Building Envelope Audit”.

My company, Tom Harris PUR Consulting, will train your team to become Envelope Auditors.  The process is simple – take the training, pass the test, sell the service, audit the building, submit the “Auditor Input Form” and provide the report, which my company will provide, to the building owner.  There are no pre-requisites needed before you begin training. Just pass our test and demonstrate that you can perform the task of auditing.  The 2 ½ day training takes you step by step through the auditing process and delivers the background information you will need to be able to discuss the building envelope with your potential client.  The report will identify a prioritized list of what needs to be done, (which most insulation contracting companies can do), an estimate of how much those improvements will cost, a return on investment or payback calculation showing how many dollars $$ the owner will save in fuel and electricity. It will also include the environmental impact of the work – CO2 emissions reductions, KWh savings and GHG (Green House Gas) reduction.

Building owners can get some of the energy conservation work subsidized by the state or federal government, provided they can show the value (Tonnes) of CO2 reduced by performing the work.  They need your audit and calculation to receive the rebate. As a contractor, you are always seeking new revenue streams–a way to keep your team employed and a way to smooth your cash-flow throught the winter months.  Building Envelope Auditing may be the way.


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