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Bob Henderson of Henderson-Johnson Co: A Veteran of SPF Since 1966

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Bob Henderson, Co-founder of
Henderson-Johnson, Syracuse, NY

Bob Henderson has been in the SPF industry since 1966. He graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1963. One of the big things that civil engineers do is solve problems. After graduating, Bob worked for a company that elevated floors in computer rooms. One day, while Bob was on a job, he noticed an insulating substance behind the walls. Curious about what this substance was, he decided to research it and found that it was spray foam. Furthermore, he discovered that there were only 6 known applicators for this product at that time. He contacted an SPF material distributor to learn how to apply SPF himself. It was during this encounter that Bob realized he was going to have to find the best equipment to do the job.

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Gusmer FF 1600 from the 1960’s

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Mike Howlett, Applicator for
Henderson-Johnson since 1986

During that time in SPF history, the spray-painting industry was clamoring to produce a spray gun to accommodate spray foam applications. But, the principles that built the spray-painting industry were not conducive for the 2-component product required for SPF. Control of temperature and pressure was also needed. Bob was advised to go with a Gusmer. He immediately rejected the equipment offered from the painting industry and purchased a Gusmer FF. Bob soaked up all the training he could get and quickly discovered that applying spray foam was as much of an art as it was a science. Mechanical aptitude was also crucial as the equipment had to be maintained and adjusted manually to accommodate different scenarios.

“You Really Have to Understand the Roofing Business”

Shortly thereafter, Bob landed a job spraying wall panels on an 8-story building. Other jobs quickly followed. Bob was off and running in the SPF industry doing projects throughout the country. Over the years, Bob has successfully completed thousands of projects and has gained immeasurable experience in overcoming obstacles and finding solutions for projects. “Every job has its own unique set of circumstances. You really have to know the roofing business to understand how to spray roofs. There’s so much to be aware of to do the job right,” he said.

Today, Bob can look back over the years and see how SPF technology has changed and progressed. He can also look back on SPF roofing projects that were done decades ago. “Some of the original SPF roofs are 20, 30 and 40 years old now, and they are still performing. Some may need re-coating, but the SPF is still doing its job,” he said.

Accurate, Historical Account of the Early SPF Days

Bob dusted off some “ancient” SPF photos he happened to find that demonstrate how people commonly worked back in the early days. Today, we would all shudder at the lack of PPE. Photos like these are rare, but they give us an accurate historical account of what the early SPF industry was truly like many years ago. Rest assured that Henderson-Johnson has an impeccable safety record. A big thanks to Bob for sharing some history about the early SPF days.

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School Roof Project, 1971

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Apartment Buildings, 1994

Bob’s historic photos will become a part of Spray Foam Insider’s early SPF history book.

“Safety is a Large Part Our Business Too”

Henderson-Johnson Co. has a perfect safety record. Bob attributes this to having a full-time safety director on board to monitor all aspects of safety. “We are proud to be recognized by FCA International as one of the Safest Contractors in North America. You just can’t be safe enough.” In the early SPF days, safety protocols, PPE and professional training were not yet in place. That’s why we see old photos of applicators without shirts, PPE, proper safety protocols and all the other things that we take for granted today. Safety and proper training are so vital for success because mistakes can be unforgiving. Taking risks is just not worth it,” he said.

We’ve Come a Long Way in 40 Years

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Present day SPF roof by Henderson & Johnson Co.

Henderson-Johnson Co., Inc. has been installing sprayed polyurethane foam and coatings since 1978. During that period, they have installed over 30 million square feet of roofing and regularly receive quality and volume awards from the industry’s leading manufacturers. They have also received three industry awards from the Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) trade organization. Henderson-Johnson Co., Inc has performed installations in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Roofing.

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